Approval of the missionary candidate

Greeting to you all,

We continue this week with getting to know the missionary candidate’s journey.

We’ll talk about the approval process.

Approval goes through several stages. After filling out the formula about ourselves, the CV and the description of the different ministries that we did, we are to give out 6 formulas that have questions regarding ourselves, our attitudes, behaviors and other good questions. One formula goes to the Quebec district superintendent (we were pastors, it may be different for a church member), one for the church’s regional representative, a pastor, an elder, a church member and a person close to us (not a family member). These people answer the questions without showing them to us, they sent it to the Canadian mission’s committee. This should give them a good idea of who we are.

After we have an interview with the mission’s director, the regional director of our mission field, Latin America and the Caribbean, to talk about our call, of the vision of how the Lord spoke to us and how this came about and why Haiti etc. After we had to take a trip to Haiti at our cost, and when we came back we had to do an interview before the district’s mission’s committee with the Canadian mission’s director and answer questions about what we lived there, the cultural shock, our emotions, thoughts, well being and about our kids.

After we leave the room and the take a decision if they continue with us. When I was in the corridor, someone said to me “I’ve seen many enter as have left by the same path” I was happy to have heard that because I had the assurance that the Lord was calling me and that I would not turn back, in my heart I was assured of the approval the Lord had told me months ago, this mission was the reason for which you were born. We were officially accepted in mid December 2016. The process had started in August and they had accepted that we start the courses ahead of time because the training courses stared before we were officially accepted, they said that it was to our honor because that was not the usual process. Next week we will talk about the training that give, you will see, tools that are extremely practical which add a big plus to accomplish the mission.

Jonas in the whale, is black, Haitian Baptist Mission’s museum


Have a good week, Marie-Jo


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